August Drum & Journey Circle - Harvest-Time!

August in the northern hemisphere is generally the time of harvest – reaping the bounty that has been nurtured by the sun, rain, and moon all spring and summer. The days (and nights) are warm and the sun sets late, the insects are buzzing and chirping, and the garden is ripe. The full moon of Harvest is nearly here.

What dreams, goals, intentions, desires, did you plant in your life last spring that are now bearing fruit? What is ready to be harvested? To harvest them can mean to gather up, enjoy, savor, share …it can also mean to preserve them carefully, now, at their ripest, in the season of fullness, to later be enjoyed and savored and shared in the slow chill days of winter and early spring. It can mean that you save the seeds of whatever you gather so you can plant again in spring.

Will you immerse yourself in and celebrate the juiciness of harvest right now or delay your gratification to a time when you are desperate for sweetness and light and nourishment? Will you find a way to do both? Can you trust that what you’ve planted, and nurtured, and grown will support you both now and later? These are some of the questions you may wish to journey upon at Harvest Time as we gather in the circle.

Join us for our monthly ritual of drumming and shamanic journeying in Bay View Park, Friday, August 28, beginning at 6 p.m. In case of rain, we will be indoors at the Marian Center for Nonprofits. Everyone is welcome; no experience necessary. If you are new to the circle, please see details on our website for what to bring and what to expect.

We hope to see you there!

Bountiful blessings,

Sally & Holly - co-circle keepers