Power, energy, light, vibrations. These concepts can imply a flow, movement, influence, making something happen or change. Dark becomes light, we move from one place to another, music is created, Messages travel from person A to person B, hot places get cooled, tasks are accomplished. Legislation is passed, millions of people are persuaded to buy things, spacecraft visit Pluto. Each of these things requires power of a particular kind. Power can be understood in physical, social, political, economic, psychological, and metaphysical terms.
Read moreCelebrating Summer Solstice this Friday with a Fire Ceremony
Happy Solstice! We’re celebrating this celestial event at our upcoming Drum & Journey Circle, Friday, June 26, with drumming, shamanic journeying, and a Peruvian-style Fire Ceremony.
Read moreA Few Words about the May Circle
We are gearing up for the Friday, May 15 drum & journey circle event starting at 6:00 p.m. We will make a final decision as to “inside/outside” by mid-morning Friday and let attendees know right away via email, as well as posting to Facebook and Twitter.
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