I invite you to come join the first Circle of 2018 *this* Friday, January 26, from 6-9pm, for an evening of shamanic drumming and journeying. In celebration of the upcoming Imbolc holiday, we'll try out a bit of fire scrying, if the group is interested in doing so. I think we may consider a doing a group drum smudging, as well.
December Drum & Journey Circle Opportunity at Knot Just Beads, hosted by Rob
Good morning, Journeyers! I'm writing to let you know of an additional drum & journey circle opportunity at Knot Just Beads, hosted by Rob. The Circle will be held on Wednesday, December 13 from 6-8pm at Knot Just Beads, located at 4309 S. 76th Street, Milwaukee (enter on Cold Spring Road).
Read moreNovember Drum & Journey Circle
I invite you to come join the Circle *this* Friday, November 17 from 6-9pm, for an evening of shamanic drumming and journeying. This will be the final Circle for 2017, as we'll be taking a break in December. (The next Circle will be January 26, 2018.)