January Drum & Journey Circle - Composting 2015 and Seeding for 2016

The major winter holidays are now past, and your co-Circle Keepers are curious about what 2016 will bring. With snow on the ground and temps below freezing/zero, it’s a major effort to recall now the warm bright days of summer! Yet, we know the seeds of summer have already been sown, even in the darkness. Beneath the snow, deep in the earth, life is awaiting just the right amount of warmth and rain to allow it to “spring” out of the ground once again. Appropriately, our intention for this month is Imbolc. Holly and I are looking forward to welcoming both old friends and new friends to the Bay View Drum & Journey Circle in 2016. Please join us!

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November Drum & Journey Circle - It's About Gratitude

Our theme this month is – no surprise – gratitude. As I am writing this, I find it easy to think of things I am thankful for -- the loving people in my life, the wonderful gifts my ancestors have given me, the amazing blue skies and warm weather we've had the last several weeks, the opportunity to be creative, and so on. Growing older, I become more and more grateful simply for the gift of a living a human life.

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